In what capacity are volunteers used within an organisation? What contribution can volunteers make? What management issues arise when using volunteers? Is the management of unpaid workers any different from the management of paid staff?
I recently signed up to volunteer with Craft Victoria and have so far assisted at two of their exhibition openings. Volunteers with Craft also have opportunities to volunteer at larger events, workshops, in administration and with mail-outs.
Volunteers bring additional talents and manpower to an organisation, that would otherwise have cost in salaries. However, there is a risk in using volunteers as it is difficult to hold them to the same accountability as paid staff, as they do not have the incentive of a salary and steady employment. They volunteer for many different reasons and if these reasons aren’t fulfilled or are no longer fulfilled they are free to leave without the notice a paid employee would require. They are also in direct contact with the public, and contribute to how the organisation is perceived, whether it is through the execution of a large production, or friendly conversation whilst pouring wine at an opening evening. Bad presentation or behaviour could reflect poorly on the organisation.
These potential risks can be managed through vetting, orientation/training programs, and strong leadership and communication from a volunteer manager. Through allocating significant projects, and allowing a level of autonomy, trust and control in the role, volunteers may in turn take more responsibility and ownership of their role in the organisation, an example of managing unpaid and paid staff equally.